Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting to know you

1. Who are you named after? My Aunties best friends at primary school
2. Are you married? Yes I am to the same man for 23 years now
3. Do you have children and if so their names & age? Mathew 22, Charlotte 20, Samantha (Sam) 17 & Alexander (Alex) 15
4. Any Pets. Too many. 1 dog blue heeler Crystal, 2 cats Garlfield and Storm, 1 rabbit Hoppy, and a puppy named Spike that is Sam's. Not sure what it is but its cute lol.
5. Where do you live? Geelong
6. Your Favorite Food? Anything someone else cooks for me. As this always makes a nice change.
7. Your Favorite Colour? Hmm Purple8. Your Favorite Movie/T.V Show? Meduim almost anything when I have time
9. What are you wearing right now? PJ's still
10. Last thing you watched on T.V? Pirates of the Carrabian dead mans chest and worlds end.
11. Would you rather hugs or kisses and why? Both as my family give fantastic hugs and kisses when I get them from my teens.
12. Favorite Smell? Freshly cooked bread always has been. Rob's aftershave
13. Colour of your car? Sheer Yellow
14. Do you prefer Morning or Night? Nights
15. Do you prefer Sunshine or Rain? Both love the sunshine to get out in and the rain at night to curl up to a good book with.16. When was the last time you cried? Wednesday when we found out Sam was having a boy I am a sook LOL
17. If you won Lotto what would you buy? Hmm not sure what I would buy other then our own home. The rest I think I would help my children and set up a trust fund for our grandchildren with.
18. Do you have a Favorite Scrapper and why? Don't have a favourite scrapper as I love my own style.
19. What magazines do you read? Dont read many mags at all but flick through Scrapbooking ones.
20. Do you prefer Paper or Digi Scrapping and why? Paper all the way but digi is fun.

Take the quiz and add it to your blog then please come back and let me know you have added it so that I can have a look.